panterAusf.A  (No,0001)

panterAusf.G (No,0002)

New!King Tiger 204 'SS-Pz.Abt. 501 1944(No,513-2023)

Flakpanzer V Coelian(No,0004)

Jagdpanther G2(No,0005)

panterAusf.G (No,0016)

KINGTIGER.Henshel Turllet  (No,0006)

KINGTIGER.Porche Turllet (No,0007)

KINGTIGER.Henshel Turllet (No,0008) 

KINGTIGER.Henshel Turllet destroyed (No,0009)

 NEW!KING TIGER No.101,Berlin, May 1945 ( no,467-2022)

Panther Ausf.A late production(no,0122-2010)

TIGER1 Tiger #211 of s.Pz.Abt. 502

Tiger1 late production (No,0012)

Tiger1 early production winter camo (No,0013) 

Tiger1 late 205 Normandy 1944  (No,0451)

Tiger1 early production   (No,0015)

Tiger1 initial production (No,0017)

VK4502(P)H (No,0018)

Tiger(P) FERDINAND (No,0019)

New!Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger (P) (No,530) 

Panther Ausf.G late (no,217-2010)

KINGTIGER Henshel (no,218-2007)

KINGTIGER (no,220-2006)

MAUS V2 (No,0021)


17cm Geschützwagen “Grille 17(no,0143-2012)


kingtiger 10.5cm/L68 KwK (no,216-2009)

KING TIGER(no,221-2004)

KINGTIGER (no,223-2005)

KING TIGER(no,222-2004)

KING TIGER PorscheTurret (No,224-2008) 

NEW!Jagdtiger late production(no,479-2022)

NEW!JAGD TIGER   (no,481-2022)


Panther Ausf.F (no,0123-2012)

Panther Ausf.D Flak Bergepanther

Panther Ausf.G (no,0140-2012)

Panther Ausf.D (No,203-2010)

Jagdtiger   (no,229-2005)

Panther II (no,231-2005)

TIGER 1 early Production (no,234-2008)

TIGER 1 late Production (no,235-2005) 

Panzerkampfwagen Ⅶ Löwe(no,236-2013)

VK4502(P)H (no,237-2011)

TIGER1 late (no,238-2004)

New! Tiger1late Normanday 1944 (no,469-2022)

TIGER 1 early Production (no,0124-2014)

TIGER 1 early Production metal work(no,0128-2014) 

TIGER 1 Late Production metal work(no,0148-2014) 


TIGER1early (no,230-2007)

Tiger1late production Pz.Abt.507

VK3001(H) 12.8mm Sfl/61  (no,241-2005)

 NEW!KING TIGER 241 from Schwere Panzer Abteilung 505 ( no,477-2022)

Ferdinand 1943(no,243-2004)

Ferdinand  (no,246-2008)


 E-100 Ausf.B (no,248-2013)

Berge Panther  (no,249-2004)

  Panther Ausf.G R01 (no,250-2008)

 Panther Ausf.G late production steel wheels (no,446-2021)

Jagdpanther early production  (no,252-2013)

Panther Ausf.G (no,253-2008)

  Panther Ausf.G (no,253-2010)

 Panther Ausf.G (no,255-2009)

TIGER1early (no,256-2014)

 Jagdpanther (no,257-2008)

Berge-Panther mit aufgesetztem  (no,262-2010)

30.5cmL/16 SFL Bar(no,296-2008)

 Jagdtiger interior (no,297-2009)

Jagdtiger (no,326-2019)

Jagdtiger late production(no,329-2019)

Kingtiger last production(no,330-2019)

Kingtiger late production(no,332-2019)

Vittman's TIGER1 early(no,333-2019)

New!King tiger Henschel turret(no,447-2022)

Waffenträger auf E 100 (no,335-2019)

Elefant heavy tank destroyer(no,336-2019)

TigerⅠ Ausf.E, Late Vittman's last tiger(no,337-2019)

Panther Ausf.A Pz.R "Grossdeutschland" Belgium,May,1944.(no,417, 2020)

Tiger1 Ausf E late production  Pz.Abt.507 Eastern front 1944(no,423, 2020)

Kingtiger 222 Ardennes 1944 (no,431, 2020)

LEOPARD2 A6M(no,0120-2010)

 King Tiger 1945(no,434-2020)

King Tiger 1945 with mixed force(no,436-2020)

Panther Ausf.F (no,446-2021)

TIGER 141. s.Pz.Abt.501 in Africa ( No,453-2021)

NEW!Panther Ausf.G (no,465-2021)

New! Panther AusfG Hermann göring Fallschirm panzerregiment R01(no,517-2023)

 King Tiger 1945(no,434-2020)

King Tiger 1945 with mixed force(no,436-2020)

Panther Ausf.F (no,446-2021)

TIGER 141. s.Pz.Abt.501 in Africa ( No,453-2021)